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Effective Professional DevelopmentEffective PD offers an innovative way for busy accountants to be on top of their game with continuing professional development (PD) in a brief, flexible and easy way.
Effective PD provides 20 minutes of pre-recorded PD content per week, which can be watched anywhere, anytime, as either a video or a podcast.BECOME A MEMBERLOGIN -
Effective Professional DevelopmentEffective PD offers an innovative way for busy accountants to be on top of their game with continuing professional development (PD) in a brief, flexible and easy way.
Effective PD provides 20 minutes of pre-recorded PD content per week, which can be watched anywhere, anytime, as either a video or a podcast.BECOME A MEMBERLOGIN
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Effective PD provides 20 minutes of pre-recorded PD content per week, which can be watched anywhere, anytime, as either a video or a podcast.
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Effective PD offers an innovative way for busy accountants to be on top of their game with continuing professional development (PD) in a brief, flexible and easy way.Effective PD provides 20 minutes of pre-recorded PD content per week, which can be watched anywhere, anytime, as either a video or a podcast.
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About Deanne
Deanne Firth FCA is the Director of Tactical Super, a chartered accounting firm specialising in the audit of Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF’s). She is also a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. She was one of the first to complete the CA SMSF Specialisation and to be registered as an SMSF auditor with ASIC. Being an expert in the field of SMSF audits, Deanne imparts her knowledge by speaking at a variety of conferences and webinars on superannuation.